Código fonte para l10n_br_account_product.models.account

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013  Renato Lima - Akretion
# License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html

import time

from openerp import models, fields, api
from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT

[documentos]class AccountPaymentTerm(models.Model): _inherit = 'account.payment.term' indPag = fields.Selection( [('0', u'Pagamento à Vista'), ('1', u'Pagamento à Prazo'), ('2', 'Outros')], 'Indicador de Pagamento', default='1')
[documentos]class AccountTaxTemplate(models.Model): """Implement computation method in taxes""" _inherit = 'account.tax.template' icms_base_type = fields.Selection( [('0', 'Margem Valor Agregado (%)'), ('1', 'Pauta (valor)'), ('2', 'Preço Tabelado Máximo (valor)'), ('3', 'Valor da Operação')], 'Tipo Base ICMS', required=True, default='0') icms_st_base_type = fields.Selection( [('0', 'Preço tabelado ou máximo sugerido'), ('1', 'Lista Negativa (valor)'), ('2', 'Lista Positiva (valor)'), ('3', 'Lista Neutra (valor)'), ('4', 'Margem Valor Agregado (%)'), ('5', 'Pauta (valor)')], 'Tipo Base ICMS ST', required=True, default='4')
[documentos]class AccountTax(models.Model): """Implement computation method in taxes""" _inherit = 'account.tax' icms_base_type = fields.Selection( [('0', 'Margem Valor Agregado (%)'), ('1', 'Pauta (valor)'), ('2', 'Preço Tabelado Máximo (valor)'), ('3', 'Valor da Operação')], 'Tipo Base ICMS', required=True, default='0') icms_st_base_type = fields.Selection( [('0', 'Preço tabelado ou máximo sugerido'), ('1', 'Lista Negativa (valor)'), ('2', 'Lista Positiva (valor)'), ('3', 'Lista Neutra (valor)'), ('4', 'Margem Valor Agregado (%)'), ('5', 'Pauta (valor)')], 'Tipo Base ICMS ST', required=True, default='4') def _compute_tax(self, cr, uid, taxes, total_line, product, product_qty, precision, base_tax=0.0): result = {'tax_discount': 0.0, 'taxes': []} for tax in taxes: if tax.get('type') == 'weight' and product: product_read = self.pool.get('product.product').read( cr, uid, product, ['weight_net']) tax['amount'] = round((product_qty * product_read.get( 'weight_net', 0.0)) * tax['percent'], precision) if base_tax: total_line = base_tax if tax.get('type') == 'quantity': tax['amount'] = round(product_qty * tax['percent'], precision) tax['amount'] = round(total_line * tax['percent'], precision) tax['amount'] = round(tax['amount'] * (1 - tax['base_reduction']), precision) if tax.get('tax_discount'): result['tax_discount'] += tax['amount'] if tax['percent']: unrounded_base = total_line * (1 - tax['base_reduction']) tax['total_base'] = round(unrounded_base, precision) tax['total_base_other'] = round(total_line - tax['total_base'], precision) else: tax['total_base'] = 0.00 tax['total_base_other'] = 0.00 result['taxes'] = taxes return result def _compute_costs(self, cr, uid, insurance_value, freight_value, other_costs_value, context=False): result = [] total_included = 0.0 company = self.pool.get('res.users').browse( cr, uid, [uid], context=context)[0].company_id costs = { company.insurance_tax_id: insurance_value, company.freight_tax_id: freight_value, company.other_costs_tax_id: other_costs_value, } for tax in costs: if costs[tax]: result.append({ 'domain': tax.domain, 'ref_tax_code_id': tax.ref_tax_code_id, 'sequence': tax.sequence, 'total_base': costs[tax], 'account_paid_id': tax.account_paid_id.id, 'base_sign': tax.base_sign, 'id': tax.id, 'ref_base_code_id': tax.ref_base_code_id.id, 'account_analytic_collected_id': tax.account_analytic_collected_id.id, 'tax_code_id': tax.tax_code_id.id, 'ref_tax_sign': tax.ref_tax_sign, 'type': tax.type, 'ref_base_sign': tax.ref_base_sign, 'base_code_id': tax.base_code_id.id, 'account_analytic_paid_id': tax.account_analytic_paid_id.id, 'name': tax.name, 'account_collected_id': tax.account_collected_id.id, 'amount': costs[tax], 'tax_sign': tax.tax_sign, }) total_included += costs[tax] return result, total_included # TODO # Refatorar este método, para ficar mais simples e não repetir # o que esta sendo feito no método l10n_br_account_product @api.v7 def compute_all(self, cr, uid, taxes, price_unit, quantity, product=None, partner=None, force_excluded=False, fiscal_position=False, insurance_value=0.0, freight_value=0.0, other_costs_value=0.0, base_tax=0.0): """Compute taxes Returns a dict of the form:: { 'total': Total without taxes, 'total_included': Total with taxes, 'total_tax_discount': Total Tax Discounts, 'taxes': <list of taxes, objects>, 'total_base': Total Base by tax, } :Parameters: - 'cr': Database cursor. - 'uid': Current user. - 'taxes': List with all taxes id. - 'price_unit': Product price unit. - 'quantity': Product quantity. - 'force_excluded': Used to say that we don't want to consider the value of field price_include of tax. It's used in encoding by line where you don't matter if you encoded a tax with that boolean to True or False. """ obj_precision = self.pool.get('decimal.precision') precision = obj_precision.precision_get(cr, uid, 'Account') result = super(AccountTax, self).compute_all(cr, uid, taxes, price_unit, quantity, product, partner, force_excluded) totaldc = icms_value = 0.0 ipi_value = 0.0 calculed_taxes = [] for tax in result['taxes']: tax_list = [tx for tx in taxes if tx.id == tax['id']] if tax_list: tax_brw = tax_list[0] tax['domain'] = tax_brw.domain tax['type'] = tax_brw.type tax['percent'] = tax_brw.amount tax['base_reduction'] = tax_brw.base_reduction tax['amount_mva'] = tax_brw.amount_mva tax['tax_discount'] = tax_brw.base_code_id.tax_discount if tax.get('domain') == 'icms': tax['icms_base_type'] = tax_brw.icms_base_type if tax.get('domain') == 'icmsst': tax['icms_st_base_type'] = tax_brw.icms_st_base_type common_taxes = [tx for tx in result['taxes'] if tx[ 'domain'] not in ['icms', 'icmsst', 'ipi', 'icmsinter', 'icmsfcp']] result_tax = self._compute_tax(cr, uid, common_taxes, result['total'], product, quantity, precision, base_tax) totaldc += result_tax['tax_discount'] calculed_taxes += result_tax['taxes'] # Calcula o IPI specific_ipi = [tx for tx in result['taxes'] if tx['domain'] == 'ipi'] result_ipi = self._compute_tax(cr, uid, specific_ipi, result['total'], product, quantity, precision, base_tax) totaldc += result_ipi['tax_discount'] calculed_taxes += result_ipi['taxes'] for ipi in result_ipi['taxes']: ipi_value += ipi['amount'] # Calcula ICMS specific_icms = [tx for tx in result['taxes'] if tx['domain'] == 'icms'] # Adiciona frete seguro e outras despesas na base do ICMS total_base = (result['total'] + insurance_value + freight_value + other_costs_value) # Em caso de operação de ativo adiciona o IPI na base de ICMS if fiscal_position and fiscal_position.asset_operation: total_base += ipi_value result_icms = self._compute_tax( cr, uid, specific_icms, total_base, product, quantity, precision, base_tax) totaldc += result_icms['tax_discount'] calculed_taxes += result_icms['taxes'] if result_icms['taxes']: icms_value = result_icms['taxes'][0]['amount'] # Calcula a FCP specific_fcp = [tx for tx in result['taxes'] if tx['domain'] == 'icmsfcp'] result_fcp = self._compute_tax(cr, uid, specific_fcp, total_base, product, quantity, precision, base_tax) totaldc += result_fcp['tax_discount'] calculed_taxes += result_fcp['taxes'] # Calcula ICMS Interestadual (DIFAL) specific_icms_inter = [tx for tx in result['taxes'] if tx['domain'] == 'icmsinter'] result_icms_inter = self._compute_tax( cr, uid, specific_icms_inter, total_base, product, quantity, precision, base_tax) if (specific_icms_inter and fiscal_position and partner.partner_fiscal_type_id.ind_ie_dest == '9'): if fiscal_position.cfop_id.id_dest == '2': # Calcula o DIFAL total result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['amount'] = round( abs(specific_icms_inter[0]['amount'] - icms_value), precision ) # Cria uma chave com o ICMS de intraestadual result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['icms_origin_percent'] = \ specific_icms[0]['percent'] # Procura o percentual de partilha vigente icms_partition_ids = self.pool.get( 'l10n_br_tax.icms_partition').search( cr, uid, [('date_start', '<=', time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)), ('date_end', '>=', time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT))]) # Calcula o difal de origin e destino if icms_partition_ids: icms_partition = self.pool.get( 'l10n_br_tax.icms_partition').browse( cr, uid, icms_partition_ids[0]) result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['icms_part_percent'] = \ icms_partition.rate / 100 result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['icms_dest_value'] = \ round( result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['amount'] * (icms_partition.rate / 100), precision) result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['icms_origin_value'] = \ round( result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['amount'] * ((100 - icms_partition.rate) / 100), precision) # Atualiza o imposto icmsinter result_icms_inter['tax_discount'] = \ result_icms_inter['taxes'][0]['amount'] totaldc += result_icms_inter['tax_discount'] calculed_taxes += result_icms_inter['taxes'] # Calcula ICMS ST specific_icmsst = [tx for tx in result['taxes'] if tx['domain'] == 'icmsst'] result_icmsst = self._compute_tax(cr, uid, specific_icmsst, result['total'], product, quantity, precision, base_tax) totaldc += result_icmsst['tax_discount'] if result_icmsst['taxes']: icms_st_percent = result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['percent'] icms_st_percent_reduction = result_icmsst[ 'taxes'][0]['base_reduction'] icms_st_base = round(((result['total'] + ipi_value) * (1 - icms_st_percent_reduction)) * (1 + result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['amount_mva']), precision) icms_st_base_other = round( ((result['total'] + ipi_value) * ( 1 + result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['amount_mva'])), precision) - icms_st_base result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['total_base'] = icms_st_base result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['amount'] = round( (icms_st_base * icms_st_percent) - icms_value, precision) result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['icms_st_percent'] = icms_st_percent result_icmsst['taxes'][0][ 'icms_st_percent_reduction'] = icms_st_percent_reduction result_icmsst['taxes'][0][ 'icms_st_base_other'] = icms_st_base_other if result_icmsst['taxes'][0]['percent']: calculed_taxes += result_icmsst['taxes'] # Estimate Taxes if fiscal_position and fiscal_position.asset_operation: if product.origin in ('1', '2', '6', '7'): total_taxes = ((result['total_included'] - totaldc) * product.estd_import_taxes_perct/100) else: total_taxes = ((result['total_included'] - totaldc) * product.estd_national_taxes_perct/100) result['total_taxes'] = round(total_taxes, precision) costs, costs_values = self._compute_costs( cr, uid, insurance_value, freight_value, other_costs_value) calculed_taxes += costs result['total_included'] += costs_values return { 'total': result['total'], 'total_included': result.get('total_included', 0.00), 'total_tax_discount': totaldc, 'taxes': calculed_taxes, 'total_taxes': result.get('total_taxes', 0.00), } @api.v8
[documentos] def compute_all(self, price_unit, quantity, product=None, partner=None, force_excluded=False, fiscal_position=False, insurance_value=0.0, freight_value=0.0, other_costs_value=0.0, base_tax=0.00): return self._model.compute_all( self._cr, self._uid, self, price_unit, quantity, product=product, partner=partner, force_excluded=force_excluded, fiscal_position=fiscal_position, insurance_value=insurance_value, freight_value=freight_value, other_costs_value=other_costs_value, base_tax=base_tax)