Código fonte para l10n_br_account_product.sped.nfe.serializer.txt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009  Renato Lima - Akretion
# License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html

from datetime import datetime
from unicodedata import normalize
import pytz
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp import pooler
from openerp.addons.l10n_br_base.tools.misc import punctuation_rm

[documentos]def nfe_export(cr, uid, ids, nfe_environment='1', nfe_version='2.00', context=False): # StrFile = '' StrNF = 'NOTA FISCAL|%s|\n' % len(ids) StrFile = StrNF pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) nfes = [] for inv in pool.get('account.invoice').browse( cr, uid, ids, context={'lang': 'pt_BR'}): # Endereço do company company_addr = pool.get('res.partner').address_get( cr, uid, [inv.company_id.partner_id.id], ['default']) company_addr_default = pool.get('res.partner').browse( cr, uid, [company_addr['default']], context={'lang': 'pt_BR'})[0] StrA = 'A|%s|%s|\n' % (nfe_version, '') StrFile += StrA StrRegB = { 'cUF': company_addr_default.state_id.ibge_code, 'cNF': '', 'NatOp': (normalize('NFKD', unicode(inv.cfop_ids[0].small_name or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'indPag': inv.payment_term and inv.payment_term.indPag or '0', 'mod': inv.fiscal_document_id.code, 'serie': inv.document_serie_id.code, 'nNF': inv.internal_number or '', 'hSaiEnt': '', 'tpNF': '', 'cMunFG': ('%s%s') % (company_addr_default.state_id.ibge_code, (company_addr_default .l10n_br_city_id.ibge_code)), 'TpImp': '1', 'TpEmis': '1', 'cDV': '', 'tpAmb': nfe_environment, 'finNFe': inv.nfe_purpose, 'procEmi': '0', # 'VerProc': '2.2.26', 'dhCont': '', 'xJust': '', } if inv.cfop_ids[0].type in ("input"): StrRegB['tpNF'] = '0' else: StrRegB['tpNF'] = '1' if nfe_version == '3.10': # Capturar a timezone do usuario user_pool = inv.pool.get('res.users') user = user_pool.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, uid) tz = pytz.timezone(user.partner_id.tz) or pytz.utc StrRegB['dhEmi'] = str(pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime( inv.date_hour_invoice, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) .astimezone(tz)).replace(' ', 'T') or '' StrRegB['dhSaiEnt'] = str(pytz.utc.localize(datetime.strptime( inv.date_in_out, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) .astimezone(tz)).replace(' ', 'T') or '' StrRegB['idDest'] = inv.fiscal_position.cfop_id.id_dest or '' StrRegB['indFinal'] = inv.ind_final or '' StrRegB['indPres'] = inv.ind_pres or '' StrRegB['VerProc'] = '3.10.18' # Modificado StrB = 'B|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\ |%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegB['cUF'], StrRegB['cNF'], StrRegB[ 'NatOp'], StrRegB['indPag'], StrRegB['mod'], StrRegB['serie'], StrRegB['nNF'], StrRegB[ 'dhEmi'], StrRegB['dhSaiEnt'], StrRegB['hSaiEnt'], StrRegB['tpNF'], StrRegB['idDest'], StrRegB[ 'cMunFG'], StrRegB['TpImp'], StrRegB['TpEmis'], StrRegB['cDV'], StrRegB['tpAmb'], StrRegB[ 'finNFe'], StrRegB['indFinal'], StrRegB['indPres'], StrRegB['procEmi'], StrRegB['VerProc'], StrRegB['dhCont'], StrRegB['xJust']) else: StrRegB['dEmi'] = inv.date_invoice or '' StrRegB['dSaiEnt'] = str(datetime.strptime( inv.date_in_out, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').date()) or '' StrRegB['VerProc'] = '2.2.26' StrB = 'B|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\ |%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegB['cUF'], StrRegB['cNF'], StrRegB[ 'NatOp'], StrRegB['indPag'], StrRegB['mod'], StrRegB['serie'], StrRegB[ 'nNF'], StrRegB['dEmi'], StrRegB['dSaiEnt'], StrRegB['hSaiEnt'], StrRegB['tpNF'], StrRegB[ 'cMunFG'], StrRegB['TpImp'], StrRegB['TpEmis'], StrRegB['cDV'], StrRegB['tpAmb'], StrRegB[ 'finNFe'], StrRegB['procEmi'], StrRegB['VerProc'], StrRegB['dhCont'], StrRegB['xJust']) StrFile += StrB for inv_related in inv.fiscal_document_related_ids: if inv_related.document_type == 'nf': StrRegB14 = { 'cUF': '%s' % inv_related.state_id and inv_related.state_id.ibge_code or '', 'AAMM': datetime.strptime( inv_related.date, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%y%m') or '', 'CNPJ': punctuation_rm( inv_related.cnpj_cpf), 'Mod': inv_related.fiscal_document_id and inv_related.fiscal_document_id.code or '', 'serie': inv_related.serie or '', 'nNF': punctuation_rm( inv_related.internal_number), } StrB14 = 'B14|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegB14['cUF'], StrRegB14['AAMM'], StrRegB14['CNPJ'], StrRegB14['CNPJ'], StrRegB14['serie'], StrRegB14['nNF']) StrFile += StrB14 elif inv_related.document_type == 'nfrural': StrRegB20a = { 'cUF': '%s' % inv_related.state_id and inv_related.state_id.ibge_code or '', 'AAMM': datetime.strptime( inv_related.date, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%y%m') or '', 'IE': punctuation_rm( inv_related.inscr_est), 'mod': inv_related.fiscal_document_id and inv_related.fiscal_document_id.code or '', 'serie': inv_related.serie or '', 'nNF': punctuation_rm( inv_related.internal_number), } StrB20a = 'B20a|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegB20a['cUF'], StrRegB20a['AAMM'], StrRegB20a['IE'], StrRegB20a['mod'], StrRegB20a['serie'], StrRegB20a['nNF']) StrFile += StrB20a if inv_related.cpfcnpj_type == 'cnpj': StrRegB20d = { 'CNPJ': punctuation_rm(inv_related.cnpj_cpf) } StrB20d = 'B20d|%s|\n' % StrRegB20d['CNPJ'] StrFile += StrB20d else: StrRegB20e = { 'CPF': punctuation_rm(inv_related.cnpj_cpf) } StrB20e = 'B20e|%s|\n' % StrRegB20e['CPF'] StrFile += StrB20e elif inv_related.document_type == 'nfe': StrRegBA02 = { 'refNFe': inv_related.access_key or '', } StrBA02 = 'BA02|%s|\n' % StrRegBA02['refNFe'] StrFile += StrBA02 elif inv_related.document_type == 'cte': StrRegB20i = { 'refCTe': inv_related.access_key or '', } StrB20i = 'B20i|%s|\n' % StrRegB20i['refCTe'] StrFile += StrB20i elif inv_related.document_type == 'cf': StrRegB20j = { 'mod': inv_related.fiscal_document_id and inv_related.fiscal_document_id.code or '', 'nECF': inv_related.internal_number, 'nCOO': inv_related.serie, } StrB20j = 'B20j|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegB20j['mod'], StrRegB20j[ 'nECF'], StrRegB20j['nCOO']) StrFile += StrB20j StrRegC = { 'XNome': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.company_id.partner_id.legal_name or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'XFant': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.company_id.partner_id.name or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'IE': punctuation_rm(inv.company_id.partner_id.inscr_est), 'IEST': '', 'IM': punctuation_rm(inv.company_id.partner_id.inscr_mun), 'CNAE': punctuation_rm(inv.company_id.cnae_main_id.code), 'CRT': inv.company_id.fiscal_type or '', } # TODO - Verificar, pois quando e informado do CNAE ele exige que a # inscricao municipal, parece um bug do emissor da NFE if not inv.company_id.partner_id.inscr_mun: StrRegC['CNAE'] = '' StrC = 'C|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegC['XNome'], StrRegC['XFant'], StrRegC['IE'], StrRegC['IEST'], StrRegC['IM'], StrRegC['CNAE'], StrRegC['CRT']) StrFile += StrC if inv.company_id.partner_id.is_company: StrC02 = 'C02|%s|\n' % (punctuation_rm( inv.company_id.partner_id.cnpj_cpf)) else: StrC02 = 'C02a|%s|\n' % (punctuation_rm( inv.company_id.partner_id.cnpj_cpf)) StrFile += StrC02 address_company_bc_code = '' if company_addr_default.country_id.bc_code: address_company_bc_code = (company_addr_default .country_id.bc_code[1:]) StrRegC05 = { 'XLgr': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( company_addr_default.street or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'Nro': company_addr_default.number or '', 'Cpl': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( company_addr_default.street2 or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'Bairro': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( company_addr_default.district or 'Sem Bairro')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'CMun': '%s%s' % (company_addr_default.state_id.ibge_code, company_addr_default.l10n_br_city_id.ibge_code), 'XMun': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( company_addr_default.l10n_br_city_id.name or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'UF': company_addr_default.state_id.code or '', 'CEP': punctuation_rm(company_addr_default.zip), 'cPais': address_company_bc_code or '', 'xPais': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( company_addr_default.country_id.name or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'fone': punctuation_rm( company_addr_default.phone or '').replace( ' ', ''), } StrC05 = 'C05|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegC05['XLgr'], StrRegC05['Nro'], StrRegC05[ 'Cpl'], StrRegC05['Bairro'], StrRegC05['CMun'], StrRegC05[ 'XMun'], StrRegC05['UF'], StrRegC05['CEP'], StrRegC05['cPais'], StrRegC05['xPais'], StrRegC05['fone']) StrFile += StrC05 partner_bc_code = '' address_invoice_state_code = '' address_invoice_city = '' UFEmbarq = '' XLocEmbarq = '' partner_cep = '' if inv.partner_id.country_id.bc_code: partner_bc_code = inv.partner_id.country_id.bc_code[1:] if inv.partner_id.country_id.id != company_addr_default.country_id.id: address_invoice_state_code = 'EX' address_invoice_city = 'Exterior' address_invoice_city_code = '9999999' UFEmbarq = company_addr_default.state_id.code XLocEmbarq = company_addr_default.city partner_cep = '' else: address_invoice_state_code = inv.partner_id.state_id.code address_invoice_city = normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( inv.partner_id.l10n_br_city_id.name or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore') address_invoice_city_code = ('%s%s') % ( inv.partner_id.state_id.ibge_code, inv.partner_id.l10n_br_city_id.ibge_code) partner_cep = punctuation_rm(inv.partner_id.zip) # Se o ambiente for de teste deve ser escrito na razão do destinatário if nfe_environment == '2': xNome = 'NF-E EMITIDA EM AMBIENTE DE HOMOLOGACAO'\ ' - SEM VALOR FISCAL' else: xNome = normalize('NFKD', unicode( inv.partner_id.legal_name or '')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') StrRegE = { 'xNome': xNome, 'IE': punctuation_rm(inv.partner_id.inscr_est), 'ISUF': '', 'email': inv.partner_id.email or '', } # Adicionado if nfe_version == '3.10': StrRegE['indIEDest'] = inv.cfop_ids[0].id_dest StrRegE['IM'] = StrRegC['IM'] StrE = 'E|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegE['xNome'], StrRegE['indIEDest'], StrRegE['IE'], StrRegE['ISUF'], StrRegE['IM'], StrRegE['email']) else: StrE = 'E|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegE['xNome'], StrRegE[ 'IE'], StrRegE['ISUF'], StrRegE['email']) StrFile += StrE if inv.partner_id.is_company: StrE0 = 'E02|%s|\n' % (punctuation_rm(inv.partner_id.cnpj_cpf)) else: StrE0 = 'E03|%s|\n' % (punctuation_rm(inv.partner_id.cnpj_cpf)) StrFile += StrE0 StrRegE05 = { 'xLgr': (normalize('NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_id.street or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'nro': (normalize('NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_id.number or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'xCpl': (punctuation_rm(normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_id.street2 or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore'))), 'xBairro': (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_id.district or 'Sem Bairro')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'cMun': address_invoice_city_code, 'xMun': address_invoice_city, 'UF': address_invoice_state_code, 'CEP': partner_cep, 'cPais': partner_bc_code, 'xPais': (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_id.country_id.name or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), # 'fone': re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), '', # str(inv.partner_id.phone or '').replace(' ', '')), 'fone': (punctuation_rm(inv.partner_id.phone or '') .replace(' ', '')), } StrE05 = 'E05|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegE05['xLgr'], StrRegE05['nro'], StrRegE05[ 'xCpl'], StrRegE05['xBairro'], StrRegE05['cMun'], StrRegE05[ 'xMun'], StrRegE05['UF'], StrRegE05['CEP'], StrRegE05['cPais'], StrRegE05['xPais'], StrRegE05['fone'],) StrFile += StrE05 if inv.partner_shipping_id: if inv.partner_id.id != inv.partner_shipping_id.id: StrRegG = { 'XLgr': (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_shipping_id.street or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'Nro': (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_shipping_id.number or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'XCpl': (punctuation_rm(normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_shipping_id.street2 or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore'))), 'XBairro': punctuation_rm(normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.partner_shipping_id.district or 'Sem Bairro')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'CMun': ('%s%s') % ( inv.partner_shipping_id.state_id.ibge_code, inv.partner_shipping_id.l10n_br_city_id.ibge_code), 'XMun': (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode((inv.partner_shipping_id .l10n_br_city_id.name) or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')), 'UF': inv.partner_shipping_id.state_id.code, } StrG = 'G|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegG['XLgr'], StrRegG['Nro'], StrRegG[ 'XCpl'], StrRegG['XBairro'], StrRegG['CMun'], StrRegG['XMun'], StrRegG['UF']) StrFile += StrG if inv.partner_id.is_company: # StrG0 = 'G02|%s|\n' % ( # re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), '', # inv.partner_id.cnpj_cpf or '')) StrG0 = 'G02|%s|\n' % punctuation_rm( inv.partner_id.cnpj_cpf) else: # StrG0 = 'G02a|%s|\n' % ( # re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), '', # inv.partner_id.cnpj_cpf or '')) StrG0 = 'G02a|%s|\n' % punctuation_rm( inv.partner_id.cnpj_cpf) StrFile += StrG0 i = 0 for inv_line in inv.invoice_line: i += 1 # FIXME if inv_line.freight_value: freight_value = str("%.2f" % inv_line.freight_value) else: freight_value = '' if inv_line.insurance_value: insurance_value = str("%.2f" % inv_line.insurance_value) else: insurance_value = '' if inv_line.other_costs_value: other_costs_value = str("%.2f" % inv_line.other_costs_value) else: other_costs_value = '' if inv_line.discount_value: discount_value = str("%.2f" % inv_line.discount_value) else: discount_value = '' StrH = 'H|%s||\n' % (i) StrFile += StrH CProd = '' XProd = '' if inv_line.product_id.code: CProd = inv_line.product_id.code XProd = normalize('NFKD', unicode( inv_line.product_id.name or '')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') else: CProd = unicode(i).strip().rjust(4, u'0') XProd = normalize('NFKD', unicode( inv_line.name or '')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') StrRegI = { 'CProd': CProd, 'CEAN': inv_line.product_id.ean13 or '', 'XProd': XProd, 'EXTIPI': '', 'CFOP': inv_line.cfop_id.code, 'UCom': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( inv_line.uos_id.name or '', )).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'QCom': str( "%.4f" % inv_line.quantity), 'VUnCom': str( "%.7f" % inv_line.price_unit), 'VProd': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.price_gross), 'CEANTrib': inv_line.product_id.ean13 or '', 'UTrib': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( inv_line.uos_id.name or '', )).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'QTrib': str( "%.4f" % inv_line.quantity), 'VUnTrib': str( "%.7f" % inv_line.price_unit), 'VFrete': freight_value, 'VSeg': insurance_value, 'VDesc': discount_value, 'vOutro': other_costs_value, 'indTot': '1', 'xPed': '', 'nItemPed': '', 'nFCI': inv_line.fci or '', } StrRegI['NCM'] = punctuation_rm( inv_line.fiscal_classification_id.name) if nfe_version == '3.10': StrRegI['NVE'] = '' StrRegI['nFCI'] = '' StrI = 'I|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s'\ '|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegI['CProd'], StrRegI['CEAN'], StrRegI['XProd'], StrRegI['NCM'], StrRegI['NVE'], StrRegI['EXTIPI'], StrRegI['CFOP'], StrRegI['UCom'], StrRegI['QCom'], StrRegI['VUnCom'], StrRegI['VProd'], StrRegI['CEANTrib'], StrRegI['UTrib'], StrRegI['QTrib'], StrRegI['VUnTrib'], StrRegI['VFrete'], StrRegI['VSeg'], StrRegI['VDesc'], StrRegI['vOutro'], StrRegI['indTot'], StrRegI['xPed'], StrRegI['nItemPed'], StrRegI['nFCI']) else: StrI = 'I|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s'\ '|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegI['CProd'], StrRegI['CEAN'], StrRegI['XProd'], StrRegI['NCM'], StrRegI['EXTIPI'], StrRegI['CFOP'], StrRegI['UCom'], StrRegI['QCom'], StrRegI['VUnCom'], StrRegI['VProd'], StrRegI['CEANTrib'], StrRegI['UTrib'], StrRegI['QTrib'], StrRegI['VUnTrib'], StrRegI['VFrete'], StrRegI['VSeg'], StrRegI['VDesc'], StrRegI['vOutro'], StrRegI['indTot'], StrRegI['xPed'], StrRegI['nItemPed'], StrRegI['nFCI']) StrFile += StrI for inv_di in inv_line.import_declaration_ids: StrRegI18 = { 'NDI': inv_di.name, 'DDI': inv_di.date_registration or '', 'XLocDesemb': inv_di.location, 'UFDesemb': inv_di.state_id.code or '', 'DDesemb': inv_di.date_release or '', 'tpViaTransp': inv_di.type_transportation or '', 'vAFRMM': str("%.2f" % inv_di.afrmm_value), 'tpIntermedio': inv_di.type_import or '', 'CNPJ': inv_di.exporting_code or '', 'UFTerceiro': inv_di.thirdparty_state_id.code or '', 'CExportador': inv_di.exporting_code, } StrI18 = 'I18|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegI18['NDI'], StrRegI18['DDI'], StrRegI18['XLocDesemb'], StrRegI18['UFDesemb'], StrRegI18['DDesemb'], StrRegI18['tpViaTransp'], StrRegI18['vAFRMM'], StrRegI18['tpIntermedio'], StrRegI18['CNPJ'], StrRegI18['UFTerceiro'], StrRegI18['CExportador'], ) StrFile += StrI18 for inv_di_line in inv_di.line_ids: StrRegI25 = { 'NAdicao': inv_di_line.name, 'NSeqAdic': inv_di_line.sequence, 'CFabricante': inv_di_line.manufacturer_code, 'VDescDI': str("%.2f" % inv_di_line.amount_discount), } if StrRegI25['VDescDI'] == '0.00': StrRegI25['VDescDI'] = '' StrI25 = 'I25|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegI25['NAdicao'], StrRegI25['NSeqAdic'], StrRegI25['CFabricante'], StrRegI25['VDescDI'], ) StrFile += StrI25 icms_cst = inv_line.icms_cst_id and\ inv_line.icms_cst_id.code or '' ipi_cst = inv_line.ipi_cst_id and\ inv_line.ipi_cst_id.code or '' pis_cst = inv_line.pis_cst_id and inv_line.pis_cst_id.code or '' cofins_cst = inv_line.cofins_cst_id and\ inv_line.cofins_cst_id.code or '' StrRegStrM = { 'vTotTrib': str("%.2f" % inv_line.total_taxes), } StrM = 'M|%s|\n' % (StrRegStrM['vTotTrib']) StrFile += StrM StrN = 'N|\n' StrFile += StrN # TODO - Fazer alteração para cada tipo de cst ICMS if inv_line.product_type == 'product': if icms_cst in ('00',): StrRegN02 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'ModBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_base), 'PICMS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'VICMS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), } StrN02 = 'N02|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN02['Orig'], StrRegN02['CST'], StrRegN02[ 'ModBC'], StrRegN02['VBC'], StrRegN02['PICMS'], StrRegN02['VICMS']) StrFile += StrN02 if icms_cst in ('10',): StrRegN03 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'ModBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_base), 'PICMS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'VICMS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), 'ModBCST': inv_line.icms_st_base_type, 'PMVAST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_mva) or '', 'PRedBCST': '', 'VBCST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_base), 'PICMSST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_percent), 'VICMSST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_value), } StrN03 = 'N03|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN03['Orig'], StrRegN03[ 'CST'], StrRegN03['ModBC'], StrRegN03['VBC'], StrRegN03[ 'PICMS'], StrRegN03['VICMS'], StrRegN03['ModBCST'], StrRegN03['PMVAST'], StrRegN03['PRedBCST'], StrRegN03['VBCST'], StrRegN03['PICMSST'], StrRegN03['VICMSST']) StrFile += StrN03 if icms_cst in ('20',): StrRegN04 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'ModBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'PRedBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent_reduction), 'VBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_base), 'PICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'VICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), } StrN04 = 'N04|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN04['Orig'], StrRegN04[ 'CST'], StrRegN04['ModBC'], StrRegN04['PRedBC'], StrRegN04[ 'VBC'], StrRegN04['PICMS'], StrRegN04['VICMS']) StrFile += StrN04 if icms_cst in ('40', '50'): StrRegN06 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'vICMS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), 'motDesICMS': '9', # FIXME } StrN06 = 'N06|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN06['Orig'], StrRegN06[ 'CST'], StrRegN06['vICMS'], StrRegN06['motDesICMS']) StrFile += StrN06 if icms_cst in ('41',): StrRegN06 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'vICMS': '', 'motDesICMS': '', } StrN06 = 'N06|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN06['Orig'], StrRegN06[ 'CST'], StrRegN06['vICMS'], StrRegN06['motDesICMS']) StrFile += StrN06 if icms_cst in ('51',): StrRegN07 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'ModBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'PRedBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent_reduction), 'VBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_base), 'PICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'VICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), } StrN07 = 'N07|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN07['Orig'], StrRegN07[ 'CST'], StrRegN07['ModBC'], StrRegN07['PRedBC'], StrRegN07['VBC'], StrRegN07['PICMS'], StrRegN07['VICMS']) StrFile += StrN07 if icms_cst in ('60',): StrRegN08 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'VBCST': str("%.2f" % 0.00), 'VICMSST': str("%.2f" % 0.00), } StrN08 = 'N08|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegN08['Orig'], StrRegN08['CST'], StrRegN08['VBCST'], StrRegN08['VICMSST']) StrFile += StrN08 if icms_cst in ('70',): StrRegN09 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'ModBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'PRedBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent_reduction), 'VBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_base), 'PICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'VICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), 'ModBCST': inv_line.icms_st_base_type, 'PMVAST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_mva) or '', 'PRedBCST': '', 'VBCST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_base), 'PICMSST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_percent), 'VICMSST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_value), } StrN09 = 'N09|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s'\ '|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN09['Orig'], StrRegN09['CST'], StrRegN09['ModBC'], StrRegN09['PRedBC'], StrRegN09['VBC'], StrRegN09['PICMS'], StrRegN09['VICMS'], StrRegN09['ModBCST'], StrRegN09['PMVAST'], StrRegN09['PRedBCST'], StrRegN09['VBCST'], StrRegN09['PICMSST'], StrRegN09['VICMSST']) StrFile += StrN09 if icms_cst in ('90',): StrRegN10 = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CST': icms_cst, 'ModBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'PRedBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent_reduction), 'VBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_base), 'PICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'VICMS': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), 'ModBCST': inv_line.icms_st_base_type, 'PMVAST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_mva) or '', 'PRedBCST': '', 'VBCST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_base), 'PICMSST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_percent), 'VICMSST': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_value), } StrN10 = 'N10|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' %\ (StrRegN10['Orig'], StrRegN10['CST'], StrRegN10['ModBC'], StrRegN10['PRedBC'], StrRegN10['VBC'], StrRegN10['PICMS'], StrRegN10['VICMS'], StrRegN10['ModBCST'], StrRegN10['PMVAST'], StrRegN10['PRedBCST'], StrRegN10['VBCST'], StrRegN10['PICMSST'], StrRegN10['VICMSST']) StrFile += StrN10 if icms_cst in ('101',): StrRegN10c = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CSOSN': icms_cst, 'pCredSN': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_percent), 'vCredICMSSN': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_value), } StrN10c = 'N10c|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' %\ (StrRegN10c['Orig'], StrRegN10c['CSOSN'], StrRegN10c['pCredSN'], StrRegN10c['vCredICMSSN']) StrFile += StrN10c # Incluido CST 102,103 e 300 - Uso no Simples Nacional - Linha # original era para CST 400 if icms_cst in ('102', '103', '300', '400'): StrRegN10d = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CSOSN': icms_cst } StrN10d = 'N10d|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegN10d['Orig'], StrRegN10d['CSOSN']) StrFile += StrN10d if icms_cst in ('201',): StrRegN10e = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CSOSN': icms_cst, 'ModBCST': inv_line.icms_st_base_type, 'PMVAST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_mva) or '', 'PRedBCST': '', 'VBCST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_base), 'PICMSST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_percent), 'VICMSST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_value), # TODO Obter aliquota ICMS Simples 'pCredSN': str("%.2f" % 0.00), # TODO Calcular Crédito ICMS baseado aliquota anterior. 'vCredICMSSN': str("%.2f" % 0.00), } StrN10e = 'N10e|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' %\ (StrRegN10e['Orig'], StrRegN10e['CSOSN'], StrRegN10e['ModBCST'], StrRegN10e['PMVAST'], StrRegN10e['PRedBCST'], StrRegN10e['VBCST'], StrRegN10e['PICMSST'], StrRegN10e['VICMSST'], StrRegN10e['pCredSN'], StrRegN10e['vCredICMSSN']) StrFile += StrN10e if icms_cst in ('202', '203'): StrRegN10f = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CSOSN': icms_cst, 'ModBCST': inv_line.icms_st_base_type, 'PMVAST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_mva) or '', 'PRedBCST': '', 'VBCST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_base), 'PICMSST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_percent), 'VICMSST': str("%.2f" % inv_line.icms_st_value), } StrN10f = 'N10f|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' %\ (StrRegN10f['Orig'], StrRegN10f['CSOSN'], StrRegN10f['ModBCST'], StrRegN10f['PMVAST'], StrRegN10f['PRedBCST'], StrRegN10f['VBCST'], StrRegN10f['PICMSST'], StrRegN10f['VICMSST']) StrFile += StrN10f if icms_cst in ('500',): StrRegN10g = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CSOSN': icms_cst, 'vBCSTRet': '', # TODO Variavel cf Faixa faturamento 'vICMSSTRet': '' # TODO Variavel cf Faixa faturamento } StrN10g = 'N10g|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' %\ (StrRegN10g['Orig'], StrRegN10g['CSOSN'], StrRegN10g['vBCSTRet'], StrRegN10g['vICMSSTRet']) StrFile += StrN10g if icms_cst in ('900',): StrRegN10h = { 'Orig': inv_line.product_id.origin or '0', 'CSOSN': icms_cst, 'modBC': inv_line.icms_base_type, 'vBC': str("%.2f" % 0.00), 'pRedBC': '', 'pICMS': str("%.2f" % 0.00), 'vICMS': str("%.2f" % 0.00), 'modBCST': '', 'pMVAST': '', 'pRedBCST': '', 'vBCST': '', 'pICMSST': '', 'vICMSST': '', 'pCredSN': str("%.2f" % 0.00), 'vCredICMSSN': str("%.2f" % 0.00), } StrN10h = 'N10h|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s'\ '|%s|\n' % (StrRegN10h['Orig'], StrRegN10h['CSOSN'], StrRegN10h['modBC'], StrRegN10h['vBC'], StrRegN10h['pRedBC'], StrRegN10h['pICMS'], StrRegN10h['vICMS'], StrRegN10h['modBCST'], StrRegN10h['pMVAST'], StrRegN10h['pRedBCST'], StrRegN10h['vBCST'], StrRegN10h['pICMSST'], StrRegN10h['vICMSST'], StrRegN10h['pCredSN'], StrRegN10h['vCredICMSSN']) StrFile += StrN10h StrRegO = { 'ClEnq': '', 'CNPJProd': '', 'CSelo': '', 'QSelo': '', 'CEnq': '999', } StrO = 'O|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegO['ClEnq'], StrRegO['CNPJProd'], StrRegO['CSelo'], StrRegO['QSelo'], StrRegO['CEnq']) StrFile += StrO if ipi_cst in ('50', '51', '52') and inv_line.ipi_percent > 0: StrRegO07 = { 'CST': ipi_cst, 'VIPI': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ipi_value), } StrO07 = 'O07|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegO07['CST'], StrRegO07['VIPI']) StrFile += StrO07 if inv_line.ipi_type == 'percent' or '': StrRegO10 = { 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ipi_base), 'PIPI': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ipi_percent), } StrO1 = 'O10|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegO10['VBC'], StrRegO10['PIPI']) if inv_line.ipi_type == 'quantity': pesol = 0 if inv_line.product_id: pesol = inv_line.product_id.weight_net StrRegO11 = { 'QUnid': str("%.4f" % (inv_line.quantity * pesol)), 'VUnid': str("%.4f" % inv_line.ipi_percent), } StrO1 = 'O11|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegO11['QUnid'], StrRegO11['VUnid']) StrFile += StrO1 if ipi_cst in ('99'): StrRegO07 = { 'CST': ipi_cst, 'VIPI': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ipi_value), } StrO07 = ('O07|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegO07['CST'], StrRegO07['VIPI']) StrFile += StrO07 StrRegO10 = { 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ipi_base), 'PIPI': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ipi_percent), } StrO10 = ('O10|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegO10['VBC'], StrRegO10['PIPI']) StrFile += StrO10 if inv_line.ipi_percent == 0 and ipi_cst not in ('99'): StrO1 = 'O08|%s|\n' % ipi_cst StrFile += StrO1 StrRegP = { 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ii_base), 'VDespAdu': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ii_customhouse_charges), 'VII': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ii_value), 'VIOF': str("%.2f" % inv_line.ii_iof), } StrP = ('P|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n') % (StrRegP['VBC'], StrRegP[ 'VDespAdu'], StrRegP['VII'], StrRegP['VIOF']) StrFile += StrP if inv_line.product_type == 'service': StrRegU = { 'VBC': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.issqn_base), 'VAliq': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.issqn_percent), 'VISSQN': str( "%.2f" % inv_line.issqn_value), 'CMunFG': ('%s%s') % (inv.partner_id.state_id.ibge_code, (inv.partner_id .l10n_br_city_id.ibge_code)), 'CListServ': punctuation_rm( inv_line.service_type_id.code), 'cSitTrib': inv_line.issqn_type} StrU = ('U|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegU['VBC'], StrRegU['VAliq'], StrRegU['VISSQN'], StrRegU['CMunFG'], StrRegU['CListServ'], StrRegU['cSitTrib']) StrFile += StrU StrQ = 'Q|\n' StrFile += StrQ if pis_cst in ('01', '02') and inv_line.pis_percent > 0: StrRegQ02 = { 'CST': pis_cst, 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.pis_base), 'PPIS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.pis_percent), 'VPIS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.pis_value), } StrQ02 = ('Q02|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n') % (StrRegQ02['CST'], StrRegQ02['VBC'], StrRegQ02['PPIS'], StrRegQ02['VPIS']) StrFile += StrQ02 if pis_cst in ('99', '49'): StrRegQ05 = { 'CST': pis_cst, 'VPIS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.pis_value), } StrQ05 = ('Q05|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegQ05['CST'], StrRegQ05['VPIS']) StrFile += StrQ05 StrRegQ07 = { 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.pis_base), 'PPIS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.pis_percent), } StrQ07 = ('Q07|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegQ07['VBC'], StrRegQ07['PPIS']) StrFile += StrQ07 if inv_line.pis_percent == 0 and pis_cst not in ('99', '49'): StrQ02 = 'Q04|%s|\n' % pis_cst StrFile += StrQ02 StrQ = 'S|\n' StrFile += StrQ if cofins_cst in ('01', '02') and inv_line.cofins_percent > 0: StrRegS02 = { 'CST': cofins_cst, 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.cofins_base), 'PCOFINS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.cofins_percent), 'VCOFINS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.cofins_value), } StrS02 = ('S02|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n') % (StrRegS02['CST'], StrRegS02[ 'VBC'], StrRegS02['PCOFINS'], StrRegS02['VCOFINS']) StrFile += StrS02 if cofins_cst in ('99', '49'): StrRegS05 = { 'CST': cofins_cst, 'VCOFINS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.cofins_value), } StrS05 = ('S05|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegS05['CST'], StrRegS05['VCOFINS']) StrFile += StrS05 StrRegS07 = { 'VBC': str("%.2f" % inv_line.cofins_base), 'PCOFINS': str("%.2f" % inv_line.cofins_percent), } StrS07 = ('S07|%s|%s|\n') % ( StrRegS07['VBC'], StrRegS07['PCOFINS']) StrFile += StrS07 if inv_line.cofins_percent == 0 and cofins_cst not in ('99', '49'): StrS04 = 'S04|%s|\n' % cofins_cst StrFile += StrS04 StrW = 'W|\n' StrFile += StrW StrRegW02 = { 'vBC': str("%.2f" % inv.icms_base), 'vICMS': str("%.2f" % inv.icms_value), 'vBCST': str("%.2f" % inv.icms_st_base), 'vST': str("%.2f" % inv.icms_st_value), 'vProd': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_gross), 'vFrete': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_freight), 'vSeg': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_insurance), 'vDesc': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_discount), 'vII': str("%.2f" % inv.ii_value), 'vIPI': str("%.2f" % inv.ipi_value), 'vPIS': str("%.2f" % inv.pis_value), 'vCOFINS': str("%.2f" % inv.cofins_value), 'vOutro': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_costs), 'vNF': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_total), 'vTotTrib': str("%.2f" % inv.amount_total_taxes), } StrW02 = 'W02|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegW02['vBC'], StrRegW02['vICMS'], StrRegW02['vBCST'], StrRegW02['vST'], StrRegW02['vProd'], StrRegW02['vFrete'], StrRegW02['vSeg'], StrRegW02['vDesc'], StrRegW02['vII'], StrRegW02['vIPI'], StrRegW02['vPIS'], StrRegW02['vCOFINS'], StrRegW02['vOutro'], StrRegW02['vNF'], StrRegW02['vTotTrib']) StrFile += StrW02 # Modo do Frete: # 0- Por conta do emitente; # 1- Por conta do destinatário/remetente; # 2- Por conta de terceiros; 9- Sem frete (v2.0) try: if not inv.incoterm: StrRegX0 = '9' else: StrRegX0 = inv.incoterm.freight_responsibility except AttributeError: StrRegX0 = '9' StrX = 'X|%s|\n' % (StrRegX0) StrFile += StrX StrRegX03 = { 'XNome': '', 'IE': '', 'XEnder': '', 'UF': '', 'XMun': '', } StrX0 = '' try: StrRegX03['XNome'] = normalize('NFKD', unicode( inv.carrier_name or '')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') if inv.carrier_id: # Endereço da transportadora carrier_addr = pool.get('res.partner').address_get( cr, uid, [inv.carrier_id.partner_id.id], ['default']) carrier_addr_default = pool.get('res.partner').browse( cr, uid, [carrier_addr['default']])[0] if inv.carrier_id.partner_id.legal_name: StrRegX03['XNome'] = (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.carrier_id.partner_id.legal_name or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')) else: StrRegX03['XNome'] = (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode(inv.carrier_id.partner_id.name or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')) StrRegX03['IE'] = inv.carrier_id.partner_id.inscr_est or '' StrRegX03['XEnder'] = normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( carrier_addr_default.street or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore') StrRegX03['UF'] = carrier_addr_default.state_id.code or '' if carrier_addr_default.l10n_br_city_id: StrRegX03['XMun'] = (normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( carrier_addr_default.l10n_br_city_id.name or '')) .encode('ASCII', 'ignore')) if inv.carrier_id.partner_id.is_company: StrX0 = 'X04|%s|\n' % (punctuation_rm( inv.carrier_id.partner_id.cnpj_cpf)) else: StrX0 = 'X05|%s|\n' % (punctuation_rm( inv.carrier_id.partner_id.cnpj_cpf)) except AttributeError: pass StrX03 = 'X03|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegX03['XNome'], StrRegX03['IE'], StrRegX03['XEnder'], StrRegX03['UF'], StrRegX03['XMun']) StrFile += StrX03 StrFile += StrX0 StrRegX18 = { 'Placa': '', 'UF': '', 'RNTC': '', } if inv.vehicle_plate: try: StrRegX18['Placa'] = inv.vehicle_plate or '' StrRegX18['UF'] = inv.vehicle_state_id.code or '' if inv.vehicle_id: StrRegX18['RNTC'] = inv.vehicle_id.rntc_code or '' except AttributeError: pass StrX18 = 'X18|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegX18['Placa'], StrRegX18[ 'UF'], StrRegX18['RNTC']) StrFile += StrX18 StrRegX26 = { 'QVol': '', 'Esp': '', 'Marca': '', 'NVol': '', 'PesoL': '', 'PesoB': '', } if inv.number_of_packages: StrRegX26['QVol'] = inv.number_of_packages StrRegX26['Esp'] = inv.kind_of_packages or '' StrRegX26['Marca'] = inv.brand_of_packages or '' StrRegX26['NVol'] = inv.number_of_packages or '' StrRegX26['PesoL'] = str("%.3f" % inv.weight_net) StrRegX26['PesoB'] = str("%.3f" % inv.weight) StrX26 = 'X26|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegX26['QVol'], StrRegX26['Esp'], StrRegX26[ 'Marca'], StrRegX26['NVol'], StrRegX26['PesoL'], StrRegX26['PesoB']) StrFile += StrX26 if inv.journal_id.revenue_expense: StrY = 'Y|\n' StrFile += StrY for line in inv.move_line_receivable_id: if inv.type in ('out_invoice', 'in_refund'): value = line.debit else: value = line.credit StrRegY07 = { 'NDup': line.name, 'DVenc': line.date_maturity or inv.date_due or inv.date_invoice, 'VDup': str( "%.2f" % value), } StrY07 = 'Y07|%s|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegY07['NDup'], StrRegY07[ 'DVenc'], StrRegY07['VDup']) StrFile += StrY07 StrRegZ = { 'InfAdFisco': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( inv.fiscal_comment or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), 'InfCpl': normalize( 'NFKD', unicode( inv.comment or '')).encode( 'ASCII', 'ignore'), } StrZ = 'Z|%s|%s|\n' % (StrRegZ['InfAdFisco'], StrRegZ['InfCpl']) StrFile += StrZ if UFEmbarq != '' or XLocEmbarq != '': StrRegZA = { 'UFEmbarq': UFEmbarq, 'XLocEmbarq': XLocEmbarq, } StrZA = 'ZA|%s|%s|\n' % ( StrRegZA['UFEmbarq'], StrRegZA['XLocEmbarq']) StrFile += StrZA documents = inv.internal_number pool.get('account.invoice').write( cr, uid, [inv.id], {'nfe_export_date': datetime.now()}) nfes.append({'key': documents, 'nfe': StrFile, 'message': ''}) return nfes
# return unicode(StrFile.encode('utf-8'), errors='replace')
[documentos]def nfe_import(cr, ids, nfe_environment='1', context=False): pass