Código fonte para l10n_br_sale_stock.models.sale

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013  Raphaël Valyi - Akretion                                #
# Copyright (C) 2014  Renato Lima - Akretion                                  #
# License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html

from openerp import models, api

[documentos]class SaleOrder(models.Model): _inherit = 'sale.order' @api.model def _prepare_invoice(self, order, lines): """Prepare the dict of values to create the new invoice for a sale order. This method may be overridden to implement custom invoice generation (making sure to call super() to establish a clean extension chain). :param browse_record order: sale.order record to invoice :param list(int) line: list of invoice line IDs that must be attached to the invoice :return: dict of value to create() the invoice """ result = super(SaleOrder, self)._prepare_invoice(order, lines) if order.incoterm: result['incoterm'] = order.incoterm.id return result