Código fonte para l10n_br_zip_correios.models.webservice_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Address from Brazilian Localization ZIP by Correios to Odoo
#    Copyright (C) 2015 KMEE (http://www.kmee.com.br)
#    @author Michell Stuttgart <michell.stuttgart@kmee.com.br>
# License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html

import logging
from openerp.exceptions import Warning as UserError
from openerp.tools.translate import _

    from suds import WebFault
    from suds.client import Client, TransportError
except ImportError:
    raise UserError(_(u'Erro!'), _(u"Biblioteca Suds não instalada!"))

    # to pip install suds (version: 0.4)
    from suds.client import TransportError
except ImportError as ex:
    # to apt-get install python-suds (version: 0.7~git20150727.94664dd-3)
    from suds.transport import TransportError

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[documentos]class WebServiceClient(object):
[documentos] def get_address(self, zip_code): if not zip_code: return zip_str = zip_code.replace('-', '') if len(zip_str) == 8: if not self.env['l10n_br.zip'].search([('zip', '=', zip_str)]): # SigepWeb webservice url url_prod = 'https://apps.correios.com.br/SigepMasterJPA' \ '/AtendeClienteService/AtendeCliente?wsdl' try: # Connect Brazil Correios webservice res = Client(url_prod).service.consultaCEP(zip_str) # Search Brazil id country_ids = self.env['res.country'].search( [('code', '=', 'BR')]) # Search state with state_code and country id state_ids = self.env['res.country.state'].search([ ('code', '=', str(res.uf)), ('country_id.id', 'in', country_ids.ids)]) # city name city_name = str(res.cidade.encode('utf8')) # search city with name and state city_ids = self.env['l10n_br_base.city'].search([ ('name', '=', city_name), ('state_id.id', 'in', state_ids.ids)]) values = { 'zip': zip_str, 'street': str( res.end.encode('utf8')) if res.end else '', 'district': str( res.bairro.encode('utf8')) if res.bairro else '', 'street_type': str( res.complemento.encode('utf8')) if res.complemento else '', 'l10n_br_city_id': city_ids.ids[ 0] if city_ids else False, 'state_id': state_ids.ids[0] if state_ids else False, 'country_id': country_ids.ids[ 0] if country_ids else False, } # Create zip object self.env['l10n_br.zip'].create(values) except TransportError as e: _logger.error(e.message, exc_info=True) raise UserError(_('Error!'), e.message) except WebFault as e: _logger.error(e.message, exc_info=True) raise UserError(_('Error!'), e.message)